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Change VM from DHCP to Static IP

Steps to change DHCP configuration to a static IP, if the VM was originally configured using DHCP. I’ve had to look this up a few times so I’m documenting it here. Edit the network adapter Edit the following file as root user /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static HWADDR=00:1A:A0:B2:B2:5B ONBOOT=yes NETMASK= NETWORK= And save the file Edit... Continue reading

PeopleTools Mobile Book

Jim Marion is releasing a new book on writing mobile applications with PeopleTools. Fluid and MAP have been out for about a year. If you guessed that a new PeopleTools mobile book would cover these mobile technologies, you guessed correctly. But I saw no reason to stop there. After describing how to use Fluid and... Continue reading

File Upload Listening Connector

Javier Delgado has a nice overview of building a custom File Upload Listening Connector for the Integration Broker: One of my customers recently had the need of allowing a third party web application to attach files into PeopleSoft. After trying a number of different approaches (the integration had to be done at the web application... Continue reading


From Kyle Benson: a servlet filter to remove PS_TOKEN from the response cookie: One option is to simply disable the PS_TOKEN, and therefore prevent this vulnerability altogether! The problem is, PeopleSoft does not give us the option to disable it. I decided to come up with a proof of concept for a custom solution to... Continue reading


TraceMagic is a utility that gives PeopleSoft system administrators, programmers and support engineers the ability to quickly isolate performance bottlenecks in SQL Statements and/or PeopleCode functions. It accomplishes this by turning the text-based, time-ordered tracesql file into a sortable-grid display, allowing the user to quickly locate system performance issues. TraceMagic is a great tool for... Continue reading

Limit PeopleSoft Vulnerabilities

Last week a presentation at Hack in the Box, “Oracle PeopleSoft Applications are Under Attack”, focused on vulnerabilities in PeopleSoft applications. The presentation showed a number of ways that hackers could get access to a system. While some of the issues need to be fixed by Oracle (like poor encryption), there are a number of... Continue reading


#342 – .ociclirc

This week on the podcast, Kyle talks about the oci-cli tool and how has customized its behavior using the .ociclirc file. Dan shares two of his DPK modules that work with OCI to support tags and building failover strings for the web server. The PeopleSoft Administrator Podcast is hosted by Dan Iverson and Kyle Benson.... Continue reading

#341 – PeopleTools Pathway

This week on the podcast, Kyle and Dan about the future pathways to take to make sure you are taking advantage of the PeopleTools platform. The PeopleSoft Administrator Po dcast is hosted by Dan Iverson and Kyle Benson. Show Notes PeopleTools Pathway  References Links: