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Cloud Manager Configuration

Notes If you haven’t installed Cloud Manager yet, watch this video first to learn how to install Cloud Manager. Install Chocolatey [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')) Install Firefox choco install firefox -y

psadmin.conf: Elasticsearch Clusters on Kubernetes

In this session from psadmin.conf 2018, JR Bing gives an introduction to Kubernetes and then dives into why he is using it to run an Elasticsearch cluster. The session includes a great demo as well showing how PeopleSoft interacts with the Kubernetes cluster. He finishes the session with some ideas on how containers Kubernetes could... Continue reading

Signing nVision Macros

Signing nVision Macros If you have to support nVision reports, you’ve probably had to deal with getting nVision configured on developer workstations. To develop nVision reports, you need to run Excel macros inside Excel. But, many organizations are concerned about allowing users to run any macro. Macros are often an attack vector for hackers, so... Continue reading

Cloud Manager Installation

Sign up for an Oracle Cloud Trial Account Oracle Cloud Trial Sasank Vemana – PeopleSoft on the Cloud Create SSH key ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/cmtrial cat ~/.ssh/ Create OCI API Key openssl genrsa -out ~/.oci/cmtrial.pem -aes128 2048 openssl rsa -pubout -in ~/.oci/cmtrial.pem -out ~/.oci/ openssl rsa -pubout -outform DER -in ~/.oci/cmtrial.pem | openssl md5 -c cat... Continue reading

psadmin.conf: Process Monitor 2.0

In this session from psadmin.conf 2018, David Vandiver demonstrates his Process Monitor 2.0 bolt-on. David redesigned the Process Monitor from scratch and added many improvements. His bolt-on is free too! You can download it at We released the videos as a free course so you can find the videos in one place. Head over... Continue reading

Speed up PeopleSoft Images

One complaint I have about using PeopleSoft Images is that logging in and opening pages is very slow. Behind the scenes, the application server is caching objects as you request them. The initial cache load can take time and that leads to very slow page loads. To eliminate the cache loading and slow performance, we... Continue reading

Process Scheduler and Powershell

Process Scheduler and Powershell Scripts The PeopleSoft Process Scheduler supports many different types of tools to run, but one thing it lacks is support to run shell scripts. Thankfully, David Kurtz offered a solution for that a while back, and revisted the solution recently. While making the process scheduler run shell scripts or Powershell scripts... Continue reading

Introduction to Deployment Packages Talk

A few weeks ago we presented an “Introduction to Deployment Packages” session to a user group. We re-recorded the session so you can view it too! If you are new to Deployment Packages, want to know what they are, and what problems they can solve, this talk will answer those questions. Enjoy! Continue reading

psadmin.conf: Terraforming PeopleSoft

The next video from psadmin.conf 2018 is available! Kyle Benson and Dan Iverson look at Terraform, a cloud provisioning tool, and show how uses Terraform to build training environments. Terraform works with Amazon Web Services, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Public Cloud, and many more cloud providers. Terraform can deploy a single server, or... Continue reading

psadmin.conf: Automation Challenges for Administrators

The next video from psadmin.conf 2018 is available! Nate Werner focuses on sing change management (Git/GitHub) for your collection of admin and monitoring scripts and setting up GitHub branches for non-prod, production, with a change approval process and team code review. Nate also shares solutions for managing passwords with scripts, how to abstract them and... Continue reading


#335 – io_homes DPK Module

This week on the podcast, Kyle and Dan talk about the changes to the 8.60 database upgrade and the new PPTLS860 project. Dan also shares some updates to the IO_STYLE_859 project and discusses his new io_homes DPK module. The PeopleSoft Administrator Podcast hosted by Dan Iverson and Kyle Benson. Show Notes psadmin.conf 2023 – May... Continue reading

#332 – PeopleTools 8.60

This week on the podcast, Kyle and Dan discuss PeopleTools 8.60 and the great features that were released. Dan also shares his thoughts on using Cloud Manager to upgrade environments to 8.60. The PeopleSoft Administrator Podcast is hosted by Dan Iverson and Kyle Benson. Show Notes PeopleTools 8.60 is out @ 2:15 Video Feature Overview... Continue reading