8.55 – Enable App Server Features with the DPK

app server dpk peopletools Apr 04, 2016

Dan Iverson

A comment on the Build Images with DPK post had a great question. Instead of answering it there, I wanted to share the solution as a post so more people would see it. The question deals with enabling (or disabling) features on the app server using the DPK. With the current PI’s based on PeopleTools 8.55.01, you can change app server configuration when you create the PI’s using the DPK.

If you have already built the PI’s, the 8.55.01 DPK doesn’t handle changes to the current configuration well.

To enable the WSL and Debugger when you build a DPK:

  1. Run the VBox or NativeOS DPK psft-dpk-setup script.
  2. Answer No to the “Do you want to continue with the default initialization” question.
  3. Create the file psft_customizations.yaml in the folder C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\Puppet\etc\data or /etc/puppet/data
  4. Add these lines to your psft_customizations.yaml file (notice the lines WSL: "Yes" and DBGSRV: "Yes" are different)
    1. https://gist.github.com/iversond/9bb2b8e2e8f45d8cd691#file-psft_customizations-yaml
  5. Navigate to c:\programdata\puppetlabs\puppet\etc\manifests or /etc/puppet/manifests.
  6. Run puppet apply site.pp

If you have already build the PI, you can do in manually through psadmin, but that’s no fun 😉 In PeopleTools 8.55.03, the DPK (Puppet modules) is better at handling configuration changes in the psft_customizations.yaml file. I’d guess the next PI’s will be based .04 (or higher), so this should be able to make the change after you built the PeopleSoft Image.

Update: If you want to learn more about the DPK, check out our new PeopleSoft DPK QuickStart course. This free course will introduce you to the DPK, show you how to use the DPK with PeopleSoft Images, and show you how to customize the DPK for your servers.

8.55 – Enable App Server Features with the DPK


Note: This was originally posted by Dan Iverson and has been transferred from a previous platform. There may be missing comments, style issues, and possibly broken links. If you have questions or comments, please contact [email protected].