Change Assistant and File Servers

change assistant client tools lifecycle management Apr 26, 2016

Dan Iverson

Last week I talked about setting up a new directoy on our file servers to handle patches: PS_APP_PATCH_HOME. The role of PS_APP_PATCH_HOME is to hold SQR, COBOL source, and other file system objects from PUM Patches. But, to make it easier to apply patches to the new PS_APP_PATCH_HOME, we want those folders to show up in Change Assistant as a file server. Then Change Assistant will deploy the files to PS_APP_PATCH_HOME for us.

With two changes, we can get our PS_APP_PATCH_HOME to show up as a file server.

  1. Copy the file from PS_APP_HOME\bin\client\winx86\ to PS_APP_PATCH_HOME\bin\client\winx86\.
  2. In the PSEMAgent\envmetadata\config\ file for your file server, add the path for PS_APP_PATCH_HOME to the windowsdrivestocrawl or unixdrivestocrawl. For example, windowsdrivestocrawl=e:/psoft/hr92dev-patch|<your other folders>

After you add PS_APP_PATCH_HOME, issue a recrawl to your EMF Agent.

startagent.bat recrawl

When you re-open Change Assistant and validate the environments, the new path should show up. The e:\psoft\hr92dev-patch folder will also show up in the list of File Servers when applying a patch.


Note: This was originally posted by Dan Iverson and has been transferred from a previous platform. There may be missing comments, style issues, and possibly broken links. If you have questions or comments, please contact [email protected].