Download PeopleSoft Images on Windows using WGET

lifecycle management windows Jun 13, 2015

Dan Iverson

Downloading new PeopleSoft Images (PI) from Oracle Support every few months can get old. Oracle Support has a WGET script that will download the images for you, but it is written for Unix. After seeing this post from Duncan Davis, I copied his script and made few changes. First, I wanted the main script to be reusable. Second, I opted to use an input file so I could easily take the values from the Unix script and paste them into a text file. The input file has one line for each .zip file from the .sh script: the URL and the output filename. Now when I want to download a new image, I grab the Oracle script, copy the URLs and filenames, and then run this command:

wget-batch.bat LM92U009.txt [mosemail] [mospassword]

Install WGET for Windows

This script assumes that you have WGET for Windows installed to


You can download WGET for Windows here.

Getting URLs

You will need to download the script for the PI you want to download. In the script, there will be 10-11 lines toward the bottom that contains the URLs for each .zip file to download. Copy the URLs and output file name to a text file. Separate the two values by a comma (with no space). Here is an example:

The Script

Possible Improvements

  1. Have the script kick off 2-3 downloads at a time
  2. Parse the script instead of manually copying the URLs,Filename to an input file
  3. Eventually migrate this script to Windows.

There is a simpler way to download patches from Oracle Support – check out our post on getMOSPatch.


Note: This was originally posted by Dan Iverson and has been transferred from a previous platform. There may be missing comments, style issues, and possibly broken links. If you have questions or comments, please contact [email protected].