Enable Tuxedo Domain Features with the DPK

app server dpk process scheduler puppet Oct 12, 2017

Dan Iverson

Since the DPK was released, there has a been a bug (for Windows) that is quite annoying. In the psft_customizations.yaml file, the feature_settings: section is supposed to turn Tuxedo domain features on or off.

  PUBSUB:           "Yes"
  QUICKSRV:         "No"
  QUERYSRV:         "Yes"
  JOLT:             "Yes"

On Windows, these settings were ignored and the default values were used when a domain was created or reconfigured. Thanks to Dale Haman from the psadmin.io Community, we have a fix for the bug. The issue is this:

The DPK (Puppet) takes the feature_settings: section in the psft_customizations.yaml file and combines it into a string. The string is passed into psadmin with the -u parameter. The code that creates this string used an incorrect separator for each feature, so psadmin would ignore the entire string.

To fix this, you can edit one file under the puppet/etc/modules folder:


if Facter.value(:osfamily) == 'windows'
  # feature_settings_separator = '#'
  # For Windows, we need to use the slash
  feature_settings_separator = '/'
  feature_settings_separator = '%'

If you re-run puppet apply .\site.pp, your app server and process scheduler domains features should match what you defined in psft_customizations.yaml.

Process Scheduler Features

After testing this on a process scheduler, I noticed my scheduler had 5 features listed in psadmin but only two were configured in my psft_customizations.yaml file: MSTRSRV and APPENG. I wanted to configure the other features in the domain, so I added them to my psft_customizations.yaml file:

  MSTRSRV:          "Yes"
  APPENG:           "No"
  PPM:              "No"
  DOMAIN_GW:        "No"

If you run puppet apply .\site.pp with these parameters in your psft_customizations.yaml file, you’ll get an error saying the Feature List is not valid. The feature_settings: section is compared to an array in the Process Scheduler Puppet Type to make sure you don’t mis-type anything, or try to add a non-existent feature. But in this case, the validation array was incorrect. It was missing the "PPM" feature.


prcs_features =
  # Add PPM because it is a scheduler feature...KIOSK is not.

Comment out the bad line and change "KIOSK" to "PPM" in the array. Now, you can configure all 5 process scheduler features from the psft_customizations.yaml file.

Check out the other bug fixes for the DPK too:


Note: This was originally posted by Dan Iverson and has been transferred from a previous platform. There may be missing comments, style issues, and possibly broken links. If you have questions or comments, please contact [email protected].