Reconnect 2016 – Day 1

conference Jul 19, 2016

Kyle Benson

As mentioned before, I am at Reconnect again this year and will be presenting. Day 1 of the conference tends to be all about networking, and I did plenty of it! I also learned a thing or two, which is nice to say before the deep dives even start. Here is a quick run down on the sessions I attended.

Phire Networking

This was basically a round-table discussion about Phire. We are hoping to create a SIG specifically for Phire, so be on the look out for that. Thanks to Mark from Wells Fargo for hosting the discussion.

  • Some customers do NOT let Phire handle database object builds. Those tasks go to a DB team. Mostly DB2 users.
  • There were questions regarding refreshes – how to reapply Change Requests?
    • Solution was to run a query and manually re-apply. Also, Phire has a feature to handle this but no one was using it.
  • There was consensus that Phire did not slow down migration process, but actually sped it up. Especially regarding SQL and DMS requests.
  • Some customers are packaging up maintenance out of PUM and applying via Phire
    • Only thing not working is Application Data Set steps
    • Large effort to take a Change Package and get it into a Phire Change Request
  • Questions about integrations into or out of Phire
    • Example: Central Change Management tool is system of record, can we integrate that with Phire?
    • Phire is built in PeopleTools, so you could build a solution using IB.
    • Phire Workflow has an API that gives you PeopleCode hooks into Workflow tasks.
    • Suggestion was to ask Phire about enhancements like this.
  • Question whether customers use Issues as well as Change Request management.
    • Almost everyone uses both.
    • One customer said they have 1 Issue Domain for System issues and 1 for Application issues.

PeopleSoft Technology SIG

This discussion was focused around PeopleSoft Test Framework(PTF). David Bain from Oracle was there, along with some customers who are having great success with PTF.

  • The Tech SIG has 757 members – you should join!
  • How do they use PTF?
    • Mainly regression testing only.
    • Run in Dev or System Test, but not UAT
    • Used for major releases, like get current projects.
    • Mostly used in a overnight batch mode.
    • Tests are run on dedicated desktops or VMs.
  • What skill set is needed for PTF?
    • Developers or QA Team with tech skills.
    • Familiarity with business process and automation tools a plus.
  • What level of effort did it take to setup?
    • Helps to already have Test Scripts and\or QA Team
    • Ran into some system resource issues, adjustments needed for citrix.
    • Would help if Oracle delivered Test Scripts[…see David Bain section]
  • What level of effort does it take to maintain the scripts?
    • Not much effort…so far.
    • Maintenance and Coverage reports are helpful
      • Best to have Usage Monitor up and running when recording.
      • If not running while recording, you will have less data to work with on Coverage Reports.
  • What can be done to make test scripts more repeatable?
    • Create a best practice guide, including naming conventions.
    • Break large tests into smaller tests.
    • Create small reusable tests like login, search, etc.
    • Pass in data with variables versus hard coding.
  • What are some limitations with PTF.
    • Can only record on IE 11, can execute on other browsers starting in 8.55.
    • It will lock up your machine, so use dedicated machines.
  • Highlights from David Bain
    • In the past no delivered test scripts, since everyone’s data is different.
    • Now with PI’s, everyone has the same demo data.
    • Oracle plans to start shipping PTF test scripts with PI’s.
    • The delivered scripts will be built for PI demo data in mind.
    • Time-frame could be 2016 still, but no commitment there.
    • Oracle is a HEAVY user of PTF internally.
    • Oracle has many overnight PTF jobs running, with reports waiting in the morning for teams to review.
    • Repeated that PTF is NOT a volume or performance testing tool.
    • Talked about PTF tying in with PUM Dashboard now.
    • You can store PTF scripts in one database, but execute them in another.
    • PTF metadata stored in PTTST_ records.

Public Sector Industry Networking

This was a networking event for Public Sector employees. There was more of the same at this event. Major topics were how are you using PUM, when are you getting to 9.2, are you using Fluid. Someone even got a cheap shot in on SES, that I gladly jumped on board with, ha.

Overall it was a great first day. Looking forward to some deep dives tomorrow!


Note: This was originally posted by Kyle Benson and has been transferred from a previous platform. There may be missing comments, style issues, and possibly broken links. If you have questions or comments, please contact [email protected].