
Upcoming Platform Changes


You may have heard we are going through some changes at psadmin.io. We are now adding a platform change to the list!
In August we will be consolidating to a single platform to host our conference website, blog, podcast, and more.


When are changes happening?

Our changes will being on 8/26 and will be completed no later than through 9/2. During this maintenance windows services like the blog and conference site may be unavailable.



What is changing?

  1. Our main site is moving to our Kajabi platform, which we have used for our conference portal the last few years. 
  2. Our conference site URL will be moving from conf.psadmin.io to psadmin.io/conf.
  3. The blog URL will still be psadmin.io/blog. However, individual blog posts will have URL changes.
    • We plan to auto re-direct old URLs until bookmarks and old links can be updated.
  4. The Wiki is still at wiki.psadmin.io but has moved from GitHub Pages to Notion for hosting.
  5. Our training content is moving from Teachable to Kajabi.
    • Training content will be reviewed and retired if no longer relevant. 



What is NOT changing?

  1. The Community will remain on Slack unchanged.
  2. Our open-source projects will remain on GitHub unchanged.