#334 - byop - Bring Your Own Patches - an Infra-DPK Builder

This week on the podcast, Dan discusses a new tool he built to simplify CPU patches by using the same tools as the Infrastructure DPK. byop, or Build Your Own Patches, will take a list of patches to download and store them in a format that matches the Infrastructure DPK.

Show Notes

Dan's method to apply CPU patches

Custom Fact to trigger Infrastructure-DPK processing

  • /puppet/production/modules/pt_role/lib/facter/cpu.rb

    # Set the env var APPLY_INFRA_CPU=true and run the DPK to apply the Infra-DPK patches Facter.add(:apply_infra_cpu) do setcode do apply_infra_cpu = ENV["APPLY_INFRA_CPU"] || 'false' end end

Bash alias I use to apply CPU patches via Infrastructure-DPK

$ alias applycpu='sudo APPLY_INFRA_CPU=true && puppet apply -e "contain ::pt_profile::pt_tools_deployment" --confdir /puppet -d' $ applycpu