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#343 – Approaching Gaps in PeopleSoft Functionality with Jim Marion

This week on the podcast, Jim Marion joins us to talk about using the suite of tools PeopleSoft provides us to fill in functionality gaps. Jim also covers some of his favorite changes in PeopleTools 8.60.

The PeopleSoft Administrator Podcast is hosted by Dan Iverson and Kyle Benson.

Show Notes

  • JMS Annual Training Plan @ 1:00
  • Approaching the gaps in PeopleSoft functionality @ 7:15
  • PeopleTools Upgrade changes @ 22:00
  • PeopleTools 8.60 Changes @ 25:00

1 thought on “#343 – Approaching Gaps in PeopleSoft Functionality with Jim Marion”

  1. @ 17:35 mark – you mention 3 new xref reports in change packages. I am a developer and have not used change assistant/change packages, can you talk more about this? What version of Peopletools or Change assistant is this provided in? Does each report have a name that I could reference or ask for from the team applying the change package?

    Thank you. Great podcast by the way!!!

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